....but I can't.
It's CFAW weekend here at Liberty and if I drive to Wal-Mart, I am guaranteed not to have a parking space in close proximity to my dorm when I return. Sad day.
You see, you figure these things out after a while.
For example, I've found that I can't drive anywhere past nine o'clock or else I'm doomed to park over at Doc's Diner. I then end up walking twice the distance when I could have just walked half of that, and not to mention half of that distance consists of walking through the tunnel and walking through the tunnel is a good thing because it thoroughly blocks out the most crucial winter winds that cause your nose to run and your snot to freeze to your face. Call me crazy, but I'd like to keep any fluids that are in my nose, in my nose if you know I'm saying.
"Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends."
John 15:13
I know it's been a while, especially since I've written an actual post. Be rest assured however, that things are going great here - better than I could have ever imagined.
This week has been the most stressful so far. I've had four papers due in the past four days and because of it, the computer lab and I have become very well aquainted. So have God and I.
Although it's been so hectic lately, I've actually been spending more time with Him. When you would think it would be the other way around, I've found more time to be with God even when my time has been the most limited. I just can't help myself. I can't wait for those walks to class or the moments when I'm sitting in my desk waiting for class to begin.Those beautiful, stolen moments which occur in the most lackluster of days. It's not all fireworks, but I just can't make it through the day without Him. We steal away moments simply as friends and even though it's nothing glamorous, in the process I somehow keep falling more and more in love with Him.
The next few weeks will be a little busier than usual. The Center for Worship has been trying to prepare and also raise some money for our trip to Germany in a few weeks. We've been having extra practices and doing all sorts of fundraisers to help Bible Missions since they've been so generous in providing lodging, transportation, and food for us while we're over there. The total cost for the trip is $1200 and so far you all have been generous enough to help me with $700 of it and I could never thank you enough! I am so excited to see what God is going to do in the hearts of those we're going to be able to minister to and I'm also excited to see how He's going to stretch us and use us.
I can't believe I'm going to Germany in the name of the Lord.
God is so good.
God is so good.
Two of my closest friends here and my "adopted" parents back home are going on a mission trips as well, except my friends are going to Haiti and my "parents" are going to Uganda. I covet your prayers for them, for God to provide the funds for them to go as well as prepare their hearts and the hearts of those they're helping, and to simply keep them safe and healthy. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
I don't know when I'll write again, but I will try my best to stay somewhat consistent.
I love you all! Good night.
Keely Chace