Wednesday, February 22, 2012


i could think like this:

tomorrow will be the first of eight consecutive days that i have to work. kill. me. now.

i still have two research papers to write. they were due monday. whoops.

my skin is breaking out.

my butt is getting bigger methinks.

my cat hates me.

 i wish i would have majored in something fun like graphic design.

my room sucks and it's stacked high with wedding crap.

...or i could think like this:

i'm going to have ample opportunity to show Christ to my co-workers this week.

i'll drop to part-time and focus more on school.

my skin could be worse.

B will like my big butt. when we get married, i mean.

i still love my cat.

egalitarianism and complementarianism are fun to study.

i have a cool new rug under all that crap...
that i'm going to use.....
at my wedding....
because i'm getting married...

who knew.

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